Some Simple Ways to Do Sleep De-Stressing Before Bedtime

Suffering from sleep disorders is never any fun and finding the cause can be a challenge. The best way to treat a sleep disorder, such as insomnia, is to develop a relaxing routine. This helps your body recognize that it’s time to sleep.

De-Stressing is the Key

Think about what relaxes you. Is it a warm bath? Reading in a chair? A cup of steaming hot herbal tea? There are many self-help stress techniques to consider and finding the right one may take some time. For some its relaxing, listening to music or reading. Do what what has always works best for you.

Sleep De-stressing Techniques

The investment will be well worth it. Because it may mean better sleep resulting in less fatigue, drowsiness, or other sleep deprivation symptoms. Once you discover the right technique for you, try to integrate it into your daily routine.

Try a Relaxing Drink (But Not Alcohol)

If it’s a cup of herbal tea, try to drink a cup about 30 minutes before you’re ready for bed. The tea should not only relax you due to its herbal properties, but also because it’s now part of a routine.

If you can stick to a particular schedule, then your body will hopefully adjust to it. By taking your nightly cup of tea, your body’s internal clock will know that it’s just about time to power down for the day.

Reading or a Warm Bath

As for the many other de-stressing techniques that might help you, consider reading a favorite book, taking a warm bath, or meditating. Its no secret that heat relaxes our muscles. A nice warm bath can go a long way to soothing your body and mind.

Meditation Still Works

Meditation can help relax you, as well as provide you with focus for your slumber.  Sleep meditation techniques come in various forms, but the underlining aspect of the method is that it helps you channel your thoughts.

Using meditation gives you an uninterrupted line of concentration. It shuts out distractions that could be hindering your sleep process.

Related to meditation is self-hypnosis, which can take the form of repeating words or suggestions in your mind, over and again. This repetition may help lull you into slumber.

Try Visualization

Another way to relax before going to bed, is through visualization. Visualization means mentally recalling a different image or mental journey without outside distraction. Try visualizing another more pleasing setting.

These de-stressing techniques can help you slow the body’s processes down. It helps to create a bridge between your waking and sleeping moments. Easing into sleep can only be helpful if it works on a consistent basis. Keeping a sleep diary can help you stay on task.

Note: About RLS

Unfortunately, de-stressing techniques may not work for all types of sleep disorders. For example, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS), relaxation might not work. But for some, de-stressing before a snooze could prove to be the right medicine.

Creating the Right Routine Takes Time

When you begin your battle to defy a sleep disorder, just remember that you shouldn’t expect to fall asleep right away.

If you know ahead of time that it may take a little time to find the right solution, it will lessen the frustration you feel in your quest for sleep.